Девіз нашого магазину «Motolux їздить на колесах» . Але ми займаємося не тільки продажем транспортних засобів, а спектр наших послуг дуже широкий. Ми є ексклюзивними дилерами багатьох брендів, як в Закарпатській області ( BRP ), так і в Україні ( Vari ). Також «Мотолюкс» надає якісний сервіс, а наша мережа складається з торгових точок по всьому Закарпаттю та інтернет-магазину. Ми надаємо гарантію на весь асортимент нашої продукції, а також пропонуємо безкоштовну доставку до дому по всьому Закарпаттю. З моменту продажу сільськогосподарської техніки та мотоциклів наш асортимент виріс до розмірів найбільших магазинів. Власне, про асортимент і я хотів сказати пару слів.
Велосипеди для дорослих
У нашому магазині представлений величезний асортимент як чоловічих, так і жіночих велосипедів. На вибір є міські, ретро, гірські, гібридні, шосейні і не тільки моделі. Це у нас: Pride, Scott, Cube, Neuzer, Cyclone, Specialized та інші. Більшість моделей є в нашому магазині за адресою м. Мукачево, вул. Томаша Масарика, 54. Тому, замовляючи велосипед у нас в онлайні магазин, ми відправимо його наступного дня. Серед представленого асортименту Ви зможете точно підібрати для себе велосипед. І, звичайно, вам сподобається наш вибір аксесуарів, щоб ви могли зробити свій велосипед справді унікальним. А на випадок поломки у нас завжди є необхідна запчастина.
Велосипеди для дітей
Для дитини велосипед - це не тільки перший особистий транспорт, але і відмінне проведення часу, а для дорослих - крутий вид спорту. В асортименті Motolux є велосипеди для будь-якого віку дитини, від підліткових до підліткових моделей. Купуючи дитині велосипед, ви можете бути спокійні, влітку він не буде сидіти вдома. Якщо дитина старша, то можна купити велосипеди для всієї родини і цікаво проводити час разом. Також у нас є велошоломи для дітей, щоб ви могли подбати про безпеку вашої дитини.
Самокат - чудовий вид транспорту для підлітка, хлопчика чи дівчинки. Цей транспорт простий в експлуатації і ідеально підходить для міста. Під час їзди на скутері вам не доведеться турбуватися про перемикання передач, тому скутер може служити як перший мототранспорт. Зазвичай швидкість скутера обмежена 60-80 км / год, що також робить його досить безпечним. Ви можете вибрати одномірну або двомірну модель, залежно від ваших потреб. А завдяки невеликій вазі їх може носити навіть підліток, та й витрата палива зовсім невеликий.
Мопеди та скутери
До найпростіших видів мототехніки належать мопеди та скутери. Особливою популярністю користуються мопеди класу Альфа і Дельта. В основному їх купують для поїздок за місто, або для риболовлі. Через низьку ціну їх купують як транспорт вихідного дня. А завдяки великим колесам вони мають дуже високу прохідність. Для міських вулиць більше підходять мотороллери, але вони також мають великі колеса. Мають приємний дизайн, напівавтоматичну коробку передач, а також невисоку ціну.
Of course, a motorcycle is a dream of everyone. Special popularity is given to sports motorcycles, but their choice is much wider. These are cross-country, classic, tourist motorcycles, and each of them has its own unique features. Each bike is ideally suited for its purposes. For comfortable long distance trips it is best to choose a cruiser or a tourist bike, for a quick ride sporting, well, and for the roller coasters, of course, the cross. We provide a wide selection of Chinese small and medium cubic motorcycles, but there are models and eminent brands, so everyone will be able to find what they want. Well, for our work in the garden, or with small loads, our cargo motorcycles will cope perfectly. For all models, we provide a guarantee, and also draw up documents for the IREO.
An excellent mean for outdoor activities and raising the level of adrenaline. With the ATV you can conquer any impassability. ATVs also have several types, and when buying it is about to know how you will use it. The most popular cross models, which, like cross-country motorcycles, are designed for driving through mud. Also you may be interested in scooters for children, in our assortment, there are both models for the youngest and for teenagers. With the help of such ATVs, you will be able to develop in the child the love of extreme already from the very childhood. On models for children, for safety reasons there is a speed limiter, so you can, do not worry, giving the ATV into the child's hands. And, of course, we have all the necessary equipment, both for you and for the child.
Hydrocycles / Snowmobiles
When road is already not enough for you, we recommend to take a closer look at hydrocycles and snowmobiles. For lovers of relaxation on the water, new sensations can be obtained from the hydrocycles. The speed of 100 km / h on the water is felt quite differently. If you prefer a more relaxed driving style, then a sedentary water scooter will suit you. For maximum speed and making different tricks, you should choose a standing model. It is also worth adding that you can ride without a preparation on a sitting hydrocycles, and you can skate together on such a scooter. Almost all of the above concerns the snowmobile, rest in the mountains for you will open in a new way. Nevertheless, snowmobiles can be used not only for recreation, but also for simple trips. Riding a snowmobile is much safer than any car, even with the best tires.
The main assistants in large-scale agriculture, of course, are tractors. Thanks to a powerful diesel engine and an abundance of attachments, the tractor copes with any work. This is an indispensable assistant, which will help and transfer the cargo and dig up the earth, and even harvest. You can choose a tractor with a closed or open cabin, depending on the work for which it is intended. For spraying, only closed tractors will fit, for the rest of the work it does not matter. Depending on the amount of work you can also choose a tractor based on its capacity. All the tractors that are presented in our shop are guaranteed, and depending on the model of the tractor we offer a hinged kit.
Motor - tractors
As well as tractors, they are suitable for any job, but they are smaller in size, and accordingly, they are suitable for smaller areas. These tractors, converted from a motor-block, completely repeat classical tractors. Exactly the same appearance, the same control and the presence of a hydraulic system for fixing attachments. Unlike cheaper motor-blocks, it's much easier to work with a motor-tractor.
Motoblocks are essentially simplified tractors. As well as with a tractor, the motoblock offers only chassis for fixing of attachments and execution of different work. On the one hand, without a hinged this type of equipment is useless, on the other hand, thanks to the attached equipment, the motoblock turns into a truly universal helper. Although working with a motor block is heavier than with a conventional tractor, but it is great for small areas where the tractor does not even turn around. Well, the price of motoblocks is still less, so they are so popular. We also have cultivators, we need to work with them as a motor block, but they are only for cultivating the land.
We offer various attachments for all types of agricultural machinery. Since most attachments are universal and can be used on several tractors, we choose only reliable equipment. With a good durability of attachments, you can change several tractors, and use the once bought hinged one. Particularly reliable is the hinged equipment of the Polish brand Bomet.
Thanks to our section of trailers you can buy yourself an assistant, both for the car and for agricultural machinery. We have a choice of different models of trailers, for any of your needs. For the car to choose from, there is one and two-axle trailers, for work with heavy loads, the latter are more suitable. Also you can choose a trailer with small or large boards. For agricultural machinery, you can also purchase a trailer with a hydraulic system, which is much easier to unload. Also we sell parts for trailers, and repairs are made, so you can contact us throughout the lifetime of the trailer. It is worth noting that when transporting dimensional cargo on a car it is much cheaper to buy a trailer once than to wash the interior every time and are afraid of damaging it.
All for household
We have assembled a wide range of equipment in the shop, both for agriculture and for the home. If you have a small farm, then you will be interested in the milking machines and feed preparation equipment we have. This is equipment that will greatly facilitate the work in agriculture and will save time. Also, when repairing or building a house you can not do without our construction equipment. For fans to do everything by themselves, we have compressors and welding equipment, with which you can make and paint any metal. And if you want to have access to civilization and in the country, or you often turn off the electric power, then you can not do without an electric generator.
In this category of goods we have a variety of tools that will help you around the house. There is, like a hand garden tool and lawn mowers. For the winter time, there are snowplows and snowmobiles for your child. With the help of our tools to beat a picture of the house is not at all a problem. To get the best harvest and not to experience pest problems with us, you can buy sprayers. And you definitely will not get any harm if you work with all the necessary personal protective equipment. Well, after the work done, of course, not bad and relax with a brazier, bought in Motolux.
Even such a quick glance at our range is enough to see that we are not only getting on the wheels. The goods presented here are of different categories, but they have one common property. All of them are aimed at making your work easier, and the rest is more pleasant. All our products have an optimal price-quality ratio. And, first of all, we pay attention to quality, because we want the purchased goods to serve you as long as possible. We sell only officially imported goods to Ukraine and provide a guarantee for the entire range. In our store you can take a loan or pay by bank card. But such a large assortment is not our main feature. The main thing is that when buying equipment from us, you can count on our service throughout the life of the goods. For you we try to be better, because we are the first dealer of the best ATV ATVs in Transcarpathia. We are the first in Ukraine to represent the Czech brand Vari, whose equipment has proved itself to be reliable and durable, and the price is acceptable as well. Always glad to see you in our shops and on the pages of Moto-Lux.com.ua
Звичайно, мотоцикл - це мрія кожного. Спортивні мотоцикли дуже популярні, але їх вибір значно більший. Це кросовий, класичний, туристичний мотоцикл, і кожен з них має свої унікальні особливості. Кожен мотоцикл ідеально підходить для своїх цілей. Для комфортних далеких подорожей найкраще вибрати круїзер або туристичний байк, для швидкої їзди спортивний, ну для бігових лиж по грунту, звичайно, крос. Ми пропонуємо великий вибір китайських мотоциклів малого та середнього розміру, але є моделі і великих брендів, тож кожен знайде те, що хоче. Ну а для роботи на городі, або з невеликими вантажами чудово впораються наші вантажні мотоцикли. На всі моделі ми надаємо гарантію, а також оформляємо документи на IREO.